If I had a bad temper I would knock dude the fuck out.... But I do... Soo I would knock dude the fuck out
Today I was called something that wasn't my name. The thing that erked me was the name I was called and who called me it... Got me thinking.. Doubtful shit
Its official.. I've fallen out of interest in dance.. but that doesn't stop me from trying. Plus I can't afford the studio anymore... anywho I hung out with charmaine yesterdat.. 5 guys,making corndogs and resting gets the best of me
Thile picture of charmaine was actually us at wild wings on her spare a few days ago.. so there you go

I know I haven't blogged in a while. But I started this blog so that in the future I would see my past with great detail. So to the future self.. at this time you were going through shit, so you didn't have time
It was a regular work day.. Justin and jaye came by and invited me to chill after work. So after work i went to the house beside mine, drank a bit, and had funny conversations. Then we watched... what we had of fast five.LOL it ended abruptly and we left. It was really good.. It was a great feeling to be exact. Friendship is key.