I had an amazing day

by Jordan Rey Araneta on Saturday, 1 October 2011

I had one of the greatest days with Charmaine in a bonding perspective. I had work from 9-2. Then it was off to yorkdale to meet charmaine. It was a great time. First off i gave her her first smartphone, then bought her a case, which really made her happy i guess lmao. then we got into the movie 50/50 free thanks to jian. I would like to say that 50/50 has to be one of my favourite movies. it was so sad yet i never genuinely laughed that much at a movie. it was a great mixture of both. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. after which, we went to buda, where we had our first date.. and that was great aswell.. talking and having fun, with chicken sandwiches. i went home to play some bf3 beta and that was the day


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