Second Araneta to do it.
Regular school day, spent most my time with Shantel today. She along with Burtch and Fernando went to Frans for Frans Tuesdays. After that i hung out with Kim, talked about watching movies together and shit, then i brought her to the gym because she wanted to work out. Charmaine bought my tablet so I was able to buy my Favourite pair of Kobes. The Kobe V's. This colourway in particular is special because its the Dark Knight know.. Batman. But the reason why the V's are my favourite pair is because of when Kobe released them. This was at the peak of my sneaker interest. But this was when Boston and LA met at the Nba Finals. I watched the series with my Dad when we went to Niagra. I never see Dad so enjoying this series was special to me. He was a Boston fan, and I....Obviously....Kobe. I also bought performance socks. Went home, Got back to my drawing ways, and now Im drawing Shantel a Tattoo.
The gala at school was amazing. working with friends, great classmates, capping off and amazing year. Proud of every last one of them. Great to just look back at what Ive done these two years and who Ive done it with.
Like I said, Im kraving Kobes... this hopefully is the last for the next few weeks. Thanks Charmaine for helping out with this pair. This is the Kobe III, which happens to be Kobe's favourite. ill have a whole tangent for when i get my favourite pair. The guy i got this from was very knowledgeable and I actually had a conversation about playing ball with him.
The kraving for Kobes has begun. I dont know why i do this lmao. Everytime I buy something I get the urge to complete the collection right away. It happened with my pop figures, happened with my Kanye CDs, now the Kobes. This is the more expensive endeavour. Reminds me of my sneaker head days. Just copped the Lower Merion Kobe 7's, which is the high school Kobe went to.
Had class this morning, which I hate. I hate that ab, and I hate things i see during labs. But my champs friend Marc texted me saying that they restocked on the kobe's and he held one for me. BEST NEWS EVER. These shoes are very hard to come by and it was my chance to get them. This rush led to my sudden wanting to collect all the Kobe's, no matter the colourway. The hunt is on.
After a day at work, a night drinking, and another day at work, it was off to celebrate Chow's birthday today. Hesitant to go becasue i had work the next day but im REALLY glad i didnt. I enoyed every bit. The company, the drinking, the laughing. All my JOEY's family just having fun getting rowdy. Love you guys, Happy birthday Chowsyde.
Day 1 & 2 of moving in with Sister and Larry. focused on my room today, missing a few components but almost there, very happy with my results.