Regular school day, spent most my time with Shantel today. She along with Burtch and Fernando went to Frans for Frans Tuesdays. After that i hung out with Kim, talked about watching movies together and shit, then i brought her to the gym because she wanted to work out. Charmaine bought my tablet so I was able to buy my Favourite pair of Kobes. The Kobe V's. This colourway in particular is special because its the Dark Knight know.. Batman. But the reason why the V's are my favourite pair is because of when Kobe released them. This was at the peak of my sneaker interest. But this was when Boston and LA met at the Nba Finals. I watched the series with my Dad when we went to Niagra. I never see Dad so enjoying this series was special to me. He was a Boston fan, and I....Obviously....Kobe. I also bought performance socks. Went home, Got back to my drawing ways, and now Im drawing Shantel a Tattoo.